The laws of family purity and Mikvah create the holiness of the marital relationship. Shouldn’t you know more about something that can be such a fulfilling and rewarding part of the Jewish family life? Feel free to browse our site to uncover the secret depths of Mikvah and discover the spiritual significance behind the mitzvah, bringing the essence of Mikvah to life.
Mikvah is a very special Mitzvah unique to the Jewish women. Open to all Jewish women regardless of background, affiliation, level of observance, or personal religious viewpoint – all are welcome!
In Brisbane, the Mikvah was named "Mikvah Chana" and was established by Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch Australia, under the direction of Rabbi Aaron Serebryanki in loving memory of the Rebbe's mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson OBM.
Mikvah Chana is under the Rabbinical supervision of Rabbi Nir Gurevitch of the Gold Coast Hebrew Congregation.